—-Cook (AM5629)

With no first name and a common last name, finding information about Capt. Cook would be a challenge in the best of circumstances. To add to the challenge, none of the clues to possible dates and places of birth and death that often appear in AOWV are present in this case. A broad search in Ancestry.com, Family Search, and online newspaper sites with a guestimate as to possible birth date in the New London area did not produce any likely match. Absent further data about him, Christopher must remain a mystery.

Capt. Cook served as a replacement master for one voyage on one ship with New London as home port: CHARLES CARROLL (AS1078), (ship, 412 tons, length 121’, built in New York NY in 1828, surrendered on July 27, 1863, vessel lost).  It sailed on November 28, 1854, destination not shown, and returned on June 1, 1858. Perkins & Smith was the agent. AV02641.

With no first name available, no record could be found of other ships on which Capt. Cook sailed as master or crew member.

The records conflict as to the identity of the master when the ship sailed from New London and the number of replacement masters. AOWV and Starbuck show the sailing master as William J. Parsons (AM3739). Decker shows —- Cook as the master. Dennis Wood Abstracts 3-671 shows Almyron Tuttle (AM5126 as the sailing master and lists the name of Capt. Cook as a replacement master just before the return date. AOWV shows two replacement masters for William: Almyron and then Capt. Cook.

Colby does not record any New London master with the last name Cook.

Sources used: see sidebar and sources cited in text.

George Shaw

American Institute for Maritime Studies

Mystic Seaport Museum

January 2025