Christopher Cook (AM1293)

None of the clues to possible dates and places of birth and death that often appear in AOWV are present in this case. A broad search in, Family Search, and online newspaper sites with a guestimate as to possible birth date in the New London area did not produce any likely match. Absent further data about him, Christopher must remain a mystery.

Christopher was master of two voyages on one ship with New London as home port:

​​PHILIP I (AS2183): (bark, 294 tons, length 101’ built in Philadelphia PA in 1830). It sailed on September 8, 1858 for the N. Pacific under the command of Elias Hempstead (AM2555) as master. Dennis Wood Abstract 3-627 records [as best the author can read the handwriting]: “Ar[rived] at St. Helena January 1859 to land Capt. H. who seasick, to cruise 3 weeks in charge of mate.” AOWV shows Christopher as the replacement master for Elias and then shows Elias resuming his position as master. What is interesting is that the ship’s crew list dated the day after sailing and New London Crew Lists both show three mates onboard. Christopher is not one of them, and he is not on either crew list. The same Wood abstract records that the ship was “Sold at auction at Honolulu Oct. 18, 1861 for $5,200.” George Huntley was the agent. AV11567. The ship sailed again in 1861 with San Francisco as its then registered home port. Christopher as master, but he left the ship, to be replaced by Elias.

The Connecticut Ship Database does not show the home port for PHILIP I. Colby does not record any master with the last name Cook.

Christopher served as master on four voyages on three ships with home ports other than New London: GOOD RETURN II (AS0218, home port New Bedford) for its 1847-1851 voyage; HILLMAN (AS0287, home port New Bedford) for its 1851-1854 and 1854-1857 voyages; and PHILIP I (home port, San Francisco) for its voyage beginning in 1861.

Sources used: see sidebar and sources cited in text.

George Shaw

American Institute for Maritime Studies

Mystic Seaport Museum

January 2025