Charles Barstow (AM0371)

Charles was born in Rochester, MA on April 24, 1830 and died in Mattapoisett, MA (which was part of Rochester until 1852 when it became a separate town) on August 8, 1900 and is buried in Cushing Cemetery there. He married Betsey Washburn of Kingston MA on August 9, 1865. Death records list his occupation as “master mariner.” Note: AOWV erroneously shows his date of marriage as his date of death.

All the records of AOWV show him commanding ships with New Bedford as home port with the exception of one voyage of UNION (AS2530) in 1876 (AV14285). He was a replacement master for the 1875-1876 voyage of UNION (AV14278). All his other commands had home ports in New Bedford, Marion or Boston. Neither Decker nor Colby show him as a New London master. Starbuck shows the master for the 1875-76 voyage as ___ Barstow.

He was born, raised and died in Mattapoisett. No New London connections were found.

The author’s conclusion is that the 1876 entry is erroneous, that AV14285 should be considered an extension AV14278, and that in any event New London should not be shown as home port. He will not be considered a New London whaling master.

George Shaw (Mystic Seaport Museum) April 2024
